


Although petite in stature, a.west is an enviable giant when you measure her talent. Born in New Castle, Delaware where she attended James Grove High School, a.west wrote her first song at the tender age of 8, and began singing at just 3 years old. “I still remember the lyrics”, she says with a smile, “It’s really simple, but it is a song.” And the songs continue to arrive with incredible frequency. Raised in a Christian household, a.west endured a complicated childhood and found solace singing in the church choir. It was there that she learned to sing with emotion and true passion… a passion she wants to share with the world. “I want people to hear my voice and music. I want to help others through music the way I’ve been helped.” Influenced by Lauryn Hill, whom she so admires, and with a sincere work ethic, a.west is poised to be a success in music, establishing herself as an internationally renowned artist.


You should get to know her, too!

"Hello Love"...